Transcript – Baptism Flavor

(Note that all transcripts were created from audio recordings, and therefore any mistakes are the transcriptionist's, not the speaker's.)
Filename -- extract_NoChurchOfChristBaptism_[Don't_Just_Do_Something_--_STAND_THERE_050820_1m20s_transcript.htm

But you are to love the church because Jesus loved the church and gave Himself up for her. Eph 5:25

The church is the New Testament institution, Jesus is its builder, HE is its owner, HE is its savior, Jesus adds all the saved to the church (Acts 2 verse 47) and we are to also love the church – love it in your actions, but we are to Stand in our belief! We love the church and we wouldn’t do anything to harm the church of the Lord, and anything the church of the Lord needs for its growth we will give. Let’s stop being spectator members who just act whenever we want to; let’s take a stand for the blood-bought, Christ-owned, Christ-saved church of Jesus Christ.

And let’s stand for the plan of salvation. Teachers teach those little kids, “4 steps to salvation… hear, believe, repent, confess… well, 5 with the last one ,’Be Baptized’.” You’re never going to teach kids anything more important in their lives. And while we’re doing the 5-finger exercise…. do you see Bible Baptism… there is no such thing as Church of Christ baptism. I do not care 2 figs whether you were baptized in a church of Christ or by a Church of Christ preacher, but there is Bible Baptism, and according to the Bible it is a burial in water by a repentant believer for the remission of sins, and you’ve got to obey it from the heart, and I’m going to preach that until the day I die.

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